General News
Murray-Calloway County Hospital’s Sleep Disorders Center Celebrates 20 Years
November 3, 2022

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MURRAY, KY – According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one-third of Americans are not getting enough sleep, and this comes at a heavy price to economic performance. A Rand Corporation study found that the consequences of insufficient sleep — lost productivity and comorbidities like heart disease, stroke and hypertension — collectively cost the United States economy between $280 billion and $411 billion each year.
With a lack of quality sleep being a risk factor to so many chronic diseases, we should expect this topic to be raised to the same levels as high blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, physical inactivity and overeating.
Everyone feels sleepy at times. However, when sleepiness interferes with daily routines and activities, or reduces the ability to function, it is called “problem sleepiness.” Problem sleepiness occurs when patients don’t get enough sleep because of primary sleep disorders (such as obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia, restless legs syndrome or narcolepsy), other medical conditions (such as chronic bronchitis or congestive heart failure) or lifestyle factors (such as shift work). Sleepy persons exhibit levels of impairment that range from poor functioning at home, school or work, to potentially life-threatening automobile crashes and industrial accidents.
When sleep becomes an issue, the Murray-Calloway County Hospital Sleep Disorders Center can provide the care and services you might need. The Center is celebrating 20 years of care in offering comprehensive evaluation and care for adults and children ages six and up with sleep and sleep-related breathing disorders.
Evaluation by a sleep specialist is recommended for the diagnosis and treatment of a sleep disorder. A sleep study provides doctors with information about how you breathe and sleep. This data will enable the sleep specialist to determine the type and severity of your sleep disorder. It can also help to determine your treatment options.
Dr. Rachel Korson is the Medical Director at the Sleep Disorders Center and is double board certified in Neurology and Sleep Medicine. She completed her Sleep Medicine fellowship training at Stanford University in Redwood City, California.
The list below includes, but is not limited to, conditions treated by Dr. Korson at the Sleep Disorders Center:
- Central Sleep Apnea
- Idiopathic Hypersomnia
- Insomnia
- Narcolepsy
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Parasomnia
- Periodic Leg Movements
- REM Behavior Disorder
- Restless Leg Syndrome
What to Expect
- If you are diagnosed with a sleep disorder, the sleep specialist will work with you to tailor your therapy to your disorder.
- Insurance may pay for some or all of your equipment costs.
- Treatment may include medicines, an appliance or counseling.
Treatment Benefits
With proper treatment, people with sleep disorders can increase the quality of their lives. By using the prescribed therapy, people get the restful sleep they need. This can result in:
- Less daytime drowsiness and fatigue
- Improved memory and concentration
- Better work performance
- Decreased risk of hypertension, heart attack, and stroke
The Sleep Disorders Center is accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
For more information about sleep issues and if you have questions, please call the Sleep Disorders Center at 270.762.1579.